29 May, 2020

The Two-Headed Woman


  1. Creative! I suppose that in all likelihood, Stephanie's soul ended up in a non-conjoined body. I wonder how she's reacting to her newfound freedom, and what's going to happen when she and Samantha reunite in their separate bodies.

    1. Yeah, it's definitely quite the change for everyone involved.

  2. I liked your publication

  3. Wow, another really interesting swap. I love how you always try to do swaps that haven't really been seen before. This would definitely be very shocking for both Chris and the twins. Great story!

    1. Thanks! Yeah I definitely think the more unique (read: weird) the better! xD

  4. I love that!!!! Great story!!! I didn't know what to expect at the end. The ending is great!!! Is that pic authentic? There are twins like that whom I've seen on Youtube and I think they're kind of hot! The fact that Chris is not totally in control is a great device too!!! Very imaginative!!! There is something sexy about stories of bodies controlled by more than one person. There are not enough of those. This one is a unique and great example!!!!! Chris and his new twin can surprise each other in lots of wonderful ways now!!!

    1. Thanks for the praise! No, the pic is a photo manipulation found here (unfortunately!): https://www.deviantart.com/thedunno/art/Country-Breakfast-417268846

      Here's another shared body caption you may like! :D

    2. Thanks for the links!!! Yeah, loved the stuff at the first one and, yes your other story is also really intriguing!!! I agree with you; definitely a steamy concept!!!

  5. Jeez, playing right into my favorite kink of them all there Rook. I never imagined I'd get to see you write a conjoined TG caption. This was simply wonderful and I can't help but feel undying envy for Chris. He has a fantastic new body partner.

    1. Our kinks are very similar haha! Multibody and conjoined ;)

      I have an idea for at least one more conjoined story in the future. I'm curious, do you like shared body stories as much as conjoined ones?

    2. I do like it a lot, though not as much as conjoined. If I had to put them in order it would be Conjoined>Multibody>Shared.
