03 June, 2020

Victim of Chance


  1. Damn Aunt Mary lol. It didn't seem completely random if most of them ended up back in their own bodies after just few swaps. Almost seemed like they were all going to return to normal on the next swap. Unless they did just get really lucky. And did they try everyone leaving the house except Eric and Jade? But either way it could have been a lot worse for Eric. Great story.

    1. Maybe, maybe not. Did they get really lucky during that swap or was it getting better? Should they risk more than 90% of the group being left in random bodies if they're wrong about the swaps getting better? Or should they just leave Eric and Jade in each other's bodies, they are similar in age after all.

      I'm sure they tried some stuff to prevent the swaps from happening, but nothing seemed to work xD.
