14 March, 2020

No Choice

What would you do if one of your friends had a brain transplant like this?

Inspired by Marti: https://martitg.blogspot.com/2020/03/chose-new-body.html

Featured by Marti! : https://martitg.blogspot.com/2020/03/no-choice-guest-caption-by-rooks-tg.html#comment-form


  1. A minor perk of going by a gender-neutral name like Alex: if you ever switch genders, you don't have to change your name if you don't want to.

    As it happens, most of my IRL friends are girls. I've never really had thoughts of the form "I'd date if he was in a hot girl's body", but I *have* occasionally fantasized about dating in 's body.

    Nice image choice on this one! Is that Jessy Hartel?

    1. Yup, this is Jessy Hartel.

      I'm a bit confused what you are saying here:

      "but I *have* occasionally fantasized about dating in 's body."

      What is the < 's > mean? I'm assuming that's a typo but I could just be misunderstanding.

  2. Oh, sorry. What I was trying to say was: "I've never really had thoughts of the form 'I'd date [male friend] if he was in a hot girl's body', but I *have* occasionally fantasized about dating [female friend] in [hotter female acquaintance]'s body". I originally used sharp brackets instead of square brackets, and the comment system must have interpreted them as HTML tags and removed them from the text.

    1. Haha, yeah the comments can get wacky sometimes.

      All my fantasies involve myself being swapped/transformed I think. I don't think I've ever fantasized about someone else having it happen to them.

  3. Great cap, I like this idea! Might be interesting to see one where the subject doesn't have a choice of bodies and has to become female...and it's quite as amenable to the differences in his new form.

    1. Definitely! I'd love to see your unique twist on the idea if you're interested in writing it :)
