15 March, 2020

Merging Mishap - Epilogue 1


  1. Ive loved every bit of this series so far

  2. Poor Sandra. I figured getting stuck in a male body would be appropriate karma for her misandry, but a *dog*? At least she can still talk, if only to Olivia - and if there's an afterlife for souls in this world, then at least she'll get there before too long, when the dog's body dies in a decade or two.

    1. Familiars live as long as the witches they're bound to, and witches live a VERY long time. Olivia may be able to find a solution, but it will take several life times to do so...

    2. Oof. Until then, I hope Sandra can find enough meaning in her life to make it feel worth living. If not - and I know this is dark - I wouldn't blame her if she asked Olivia to unbind her and allow her to die, or even just to kill her if that wouldn't kill Olivia too.

      Do witches live longer than normal humans by periodically transferring their souls to new bodies, or by (consciously or unconsciously) using anti-aging magic on their own bodies?

    3. Being a familiar isn't that bad! They can cast spells of their own and are treated as sapient by everyone in the know. I'm sure she'll get used to it eventually.

      Witches don't mess with soul magic unless circumstances are extreme, messing with souls tends to make any changes permanent. They use bio-magic to rejuvenate their bodies and prevent the onset of aging.

    4. Right, I remember that bit about soul magic from earlier in the Merging Mishap series. That all makes sense. Hopefully Mike will be able to rejuvenate his non-magical male body along with his magical female one.

      I'm glad Sandra will retain that much agency and opportunity for social interaction, considering she's stuck as an animal. She's certainly a lot better off than poor Mary from the Body Jury series.

    5. Definitely! I'm not sure if Mike will be able to maintain his male body, I'm sure it's possible but very difficult.

      And yes, Mary had a very tragic situation.

  3. Love your work and thank you for what you do. Would love to see follow up on how Sandra is doing as a male dog.

    1. There's an ending that involves Olivia and Sandra in the Chain Swap game! :)
