09 December, 2020

The Rich Get Richer


In a grim future you may have seen before...


  1. A good dystopian story. Knowing that Jacob was a husband and father just adds a whole extra layer of fucked-up to Modern Job Hazards, too...

    1. Haha, I definitely tacked on the Jacob being the father idea after writing the rest of the story - thought it would be fun if they were in the same universe :P

  2. Could do with a cap focusing on the rich man who bought the bodies of the mother and the son.

    1. I don't plan to write a continuation from this story in particular, but I do plan to make more multibody captions in the future! (You can see the ones I've already done with the 'multibody' tag if you haven't seen them already)

  3. I like your shared-body caps. They are well-imagined and well-written!


  4. Very interesting concept, I'd love to see this explored more! Maybe temporary sharing while one person's body undergoes a procedure for some "life experience" kind of captions. Or maybe a man's mind is placed into his wife, who has to prostitute herself for money and we get his thoughts on the experience.

    1. Glad you enjoyed! Yeah it could be really fun to see a literal 'life in another's shoes' type stories where two people share a body to experience it. Maybe sometimes something goes wrong with their vacant body, too. I'm not too much of a fan of prostitution stories myself, but the idea is great. Maybe a husband and wife are forced to live on sharing her body; eventually, they get tired of their dry spell and look into dating men together? <3

  5. Hehe, this is an interesting take on your own version of the future. What an interesting fate for this family. All three of them sharing this lovely body. Though it does seem that they may have one out depending on how they play their cards with that girlfriend of Jenna's. I wish them the best of luck. Though I have to wonder if by the time they can finally get some more bodies if Bradley will really want a male body again.

    1. If they did somehow get the money to buy some new bodies, I wonder if someone other than Jenna would want to keep her body? It will definitely be many years before they can afford another one, if they ever can :P
