22 December, 2020

Gods Return - Temptation



  1. Seems that in terms of morality, Harry doesn't make a much better god than the actual gods - and I can only imagine how he'll act when it really sinks in how much he can get away with. It goes to show that, indeed, the only difference between humans and these gods is how much power they have.

    1. Maybe! I think that depends on what he does next. The changes he inflicted on the agents wasn't overly cruel, they gained back 20 years of life after all. And he had to do something about Juno and the other gods, now he has someone (well, something) to get advice on how to avoid them and maybe even expel them from the Earth.

      Of course, it's just as likely that he will fall into the same uncaring corruption that the other gods are known for. Then he may be even worse just because he knows how bad the actual gods are from a human perspective.

  2. Replies
    1. Not technically, the Juno whose body he stole isn't the same Juno from Roman Mythology. She just took up the name because she thought it sounded appropriate. The returning gods and goddesses are only loosely aligned, no one god is in-charge of all the others. They all came here to be rulers, not to be ruled by other gods.

  3. Great work. You always manage to "fuse" separate universes seamlessly in your captions. I never thought I'd see a Swap Clinic used here.

    1. Thanks Greg! I always think it's fun to combine ideas :P

      I actually alluded to the swap clinic in the intro caption just to make slightly more believable <3

  4. When is the next part coming out

    1. Sorry I don't currently have any plans to make a sequel - If you have a good idea you'd like to see feel free to pop over to my Requests Page

  5. Very nice very nice, though I forgot to comment before. Hoping for more of this series, and divine stuff in general. Ascension to goddesshood is pretty danged great :)

    1. Thanks! Feel free to send any ideas you think would fit into the ascension theme :D
