18 April, 2020

Attribute Transfer Contest - Round 3


  1. If Jack wins the final round, I can only assume what happened with Joel and Lili will happen again with Jack and Joel - i.e. Jack's mind will be put into Lili's body, with Joel as a passenger (and presumably Lili along with him). If Joel wins, then it's hard to know if Jack's manhood will reassert itself, or if he'll become sexless like Ashley... but either way, he'll presumably become as weak as Kevin when all of his strength and stamina is transferred away. Joel will be stuck in Lili's body whether he wins or loses... but if he wins, and keeps his high intelligence for a month, then maybe he can learn a valuable new skill in that time, and use it to get himself a good new job once the trait transfers are reversed. (Even if his intelligence reverts to what it was, the knowledge he gained while he was intelligent will presumably remain.)

    For the sake of Joel's employment prospects, I'll vote for him once again. I'm counting on him to use his power responsibly and take care of the experiment's other victims until they can all get their traits back. He's seemed like a decent guy so far, and since he'll have to remain in contact with the wheelchair-bound Jack, I can only hope that Jack will be a good influence on him, if he needs it.

  2. If jack wins he will get the iq of Joel add to his and since he already has a female body it will just adapt to the gymnastics and then he will have 3 times the youth and Metabolism

    1. Being a woman doesn't make you the Regional Champion in Women's NCAA Gymnastics, and having the strength and skill of such a champion doesn't make you one either. I figure that in this context, if you want to be the Regional Champion in Women's NCAA Gymnastics, then you have to be Lili. (Otherwise, the machine could have swapped Joel's sex and then transferred Lili's strength and skill to him - but instead, it went so far as to make him into her.)
