13 January, 2020

Body Jury 0001 (Interactive!)


  1. Each individual will be followed up on after they have settled in to their new lives. Results will be announced on the 16th of January, 2020.

  2. For a human, Body D is by far the worst out of the available ones, as long-term human social and psychological needs would be difficult to satisfy in the body of a dog. I strongly advise that whoever is assigned to Body D is given the alternative option of being swapped into a human body with no current mind, such as a brain-dead hospital patient or second-trimester fetus - or, if that would be unfeasible, given the option of euthanasia.

    Of the four individuals, Troy Douglas is most in need of the ability to do physical labor, and his daughter relies emotionally on her relationship with him, and financially on his ability to work. Thus, I advise that he get Body A - an apparently healthy, working-age young adult.

    While Preston Brown comes off as rather arrogant, his academic qualifications are undeniable. I advise that he get Body C, which will keep his mind alive for a good, long time, to take advantage of his mind's potential to be of use to society.

    Mary Locke's family appears not to rely on her financially or for childcare, but her relationship with her children is important to her, and presumably also to them. I advise that she be given Body B; with the health care that her husband's wealth can buy, that body should remain alive long enough for Mary to raise her children well into young adulthood.

    That leaves Mikey Marron with Body D (or, if possible, the alternative options I mentioned above). Being a bad student and a bit of a troublemaker at 15 doesn't mean he deserves to lose his humanity, of course, but since he appears to lack any dependents or exceptional talents, the others simply have better claims to the available human bodies than he does.

    1. (continued)

      However, it should be noted that Troy's job description is *Head* Electrician, implying that there are other, likely younger ones at the same hospital. If this means that Troy would be able to continue at his job while doing no more physical labor than Body B could handle, I think there is also a strong case for giving Body B to Troy and Body A to Mary, rather than the reverse. This would align better with Mary's wishes, and compared to the alternative, it would likely reduce the physical age discrepancy between Mary and her husband (who, I'm sure, would be happy to have such a young and beautiful wife). The downside is that Troy would have to retire earlier, likely before he's had a chance to save much money for it, and his family would be less able to support him in his old age than Mary's would in hers.

    2. Thank you for your extensive consideration on this difficult matter. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated for this jury.

      On your alternative suggestion. Unfortunately the device only seems to work with two conscious beings, seeming to completely fail to recognize brain-dead individuals; as such, switching one of the displaced individuals into a brain-dead individual is impossible. Switching with a fetus may be possible, but that would require a willing mother to do so. We will send out a query to expecting mothers but we are not hopeful they will comply with the request. In addition, our experts advise us that the device will be unlikely to target a fetus instead of the mother. On euthanization, assisted suicide is currently illegal in the US and cannot be considered. So, unfortunately and for the time being, the best option seems to be placing one of the individuals in the dog's body.

      Another issue is the time constraint, we have immense pressure from DARPA to give up the device for disassembly and reverse-engineering. The 16th of January is the most we could push the seizure of the device back. All swaps must be done before then, and the woman currently living in the dog's body is waiting to be returned to her body that she is legally owed. Hopefully, the workings of the unusual device is recreated and expanded so we will have additional options in the future for the unfortunate individual that is placed in the dog body. Knowing government programs, it will likely take several years before anything comes of it; and many more years before it becomes declassified.

      I think your suggestions for human bodies, both with Troy and Mary getting Body A or Body B are good ones. You really took the time to consider both the wants/needs of the individuals but also that of their families. My only concern with your reasoning is the trust you place in Preston Brown. It may just be me, but his arrogance makes me worry that he will not be an effective researcher as he suggests. We don't know the difficulty of his degree program at his school, maybe the 4.0 he earned is not such a great indicator of his genius as he wishes us to believe.

      Thank you again for your contemplation. You are a great asset to this jury and will help us reach a much better decision.

  3. Mikey gets body B, he hates it but starts liking it after experiencing sex as a woman

    Troy gets body A and finds out he can work as a model to support his daughter financially, he also goes out to parties with his daughter and gets a bf

    Mary gets body D, as tragic as it is her husband takes her to her kids and the kids love having a dog, being close to her kids makes her a bit happy, tho she gets sad seeing her husband bring in another woman and her kids calling that woman their mother later on, this one has to be specially tragic

    Preston gets body C, as a nerd be has never even seen a naked girl irl less alone this hot, he becomes addicted to the pleasure of being a woman, his grades drop and slowly becomes a dumb slut

    Aside from all this any news from the continuation of TAL?

    1. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.

      On TAL, I have some ideas for other stories in the same setting. However, I don't plan to continue the multi-part series any further. I'm always open for requests so if you have a good idea in the universe I would be happy to consider it! :)

  4. Mikey is young, should get another chance and be able to still go to school, body C

    Troy body B, he wants to help his daughter, body B should be sufficent.

    Mary body D, wealthy husband, can take care of kids. She can still have her unique connection to her kids as a dog. Maybe husband can do something about her body with his wealth.

    Preston body A, young enough for him still work on his batteries.

    1. So far, the poll is supporting your selection for Mary and Preston; with your selections for Troy and Mikey being swapped.

  5. Posted this on Reddit

    Mikey: Poor kid everyone is sentencing him to be a dog. Everyone else at least got a chance to live/accomplish something, but not him. He would live with the memory that everyone called him a failure as a human. Besides he is a kid, of course his defense comes off as weaker than an adult's, especially considering that he failed English in school. He definitely deserves a second chance, put him in Body C, the one closest to his age. He needs tutoring so he can correct his ways though. If academics isn't his thing maybe his interest in graffiti could be used to put him in an art internship.

    Troy: His daughter struggled a lot so he needs to get working as soon as possible. As some other comment said he is a Head electrician meaning he is in charge of other electricians. I cannot see having a sexy young woman (A or C) as a boss end well, considering how sexist trades can be. His authority will be questioned quite a lot just because his looks and he would get catcalled all the time. It will be even worse considering how important authority is in hospitals. To someone who doesn't know about the swap they would think he got that position just because his looks. That would lead to all sort of rumors that will make work more difficult. That's why he gets Body B. As an older woman he pulls off the boss look quite well and can keep his coworkers in check with no problem. He can focus on designing and managing while leaving physical work to the junior electricians. From the outside he would be seen as an experienced woman who carved her way on her own in a field dominated by men, good press. He can even retire early once his daughter becomes independent and spend more time with her.

    1. Mary: Her husband has no financial problems and now can spend all day raising her daughters, no problem. However, the kids will miss their mom growing up which can generate some issues down the line. To keep the family together and respect her wishes she gets Body A. The age difference between Body A and her daughters is good enough for them to see her as their mom and not a baby sitter. She and her husband have acceptable ages for them to keep being married and no one caring. She would be even old enough to claim that her kids are her body's children, as to claim nothing happened. Pretty much they would be a normal family with no drastic changes.

      Preston: A promising young man with impeccable grades. At first glance he would seem like the most valuable of the bunch given his claim. However having just a Bachelors isn't impressive at all in the scientific world. Without further evidence he comes off as a typical undergraduate that claims he has the solution to a world's problem. Eitherway he's smart and leaving the last body for him, the dog (Body D), sounds like the worst idea. The thing is it is actually the best choice for him, bear with me. If given the dog body, the rest of the candidates would live the rest of their days as a mundane house dog but not Preston. He just needs a government-provided service human (it's the least they can do), a marker and a blackboard. A dog that knows chemistry and solid-state better that most chemists would make international headlines. It may come off as a joke at first, but eventually he would be taken seriously. Since he controls his barking I'm sure he could develop a dog to human translator, something like Stephen Hawkings voice device. Once he shows his abilities and presents his project, funding will come like crazy. It can come from everywhere: Research institutions, entertainment channels (Interview with a dog smarter than the average human anyone?), even crowdfunding, the internet loves dogs. I mean would you rather give money to some random dude or a dog with the same qualifications and with a project to save the world? I'm sure some university will even give him his own lab (pun intended). So now he is in charge of his own research team who willingly work with him, state of the art facilities, unlimited funding and global attention on his project. Compare it to the 4 years he would gain in Body C living as a ramen-eating grad student waiting until he gets a PhD just to be taken seriously. Even then he would have to live with all of the obstacles of academia like bureaucracy, chasing funding and searching a job as a professor just to have his own research team. As a dog he would not have to give classes or grade exams, 100% of his time would be dedicated to research. Hell he could even spend his free time just chilling as a normal dog with no worries. The thing is that it doesn't matter if he exaggerated in his personal statement, Body D would give him the best conditions to make it come true. That's why I think if someone would pull off that body, it would be him.

    2. First of all, thank you for your in-depth contemplation of the topic. Your discussion will greatly enhance the jury’s ability to adequately address the issue at hand.

      I agree whole-heartadly on Mikey. He may be a bit of a delinquent, but he is so young he has not even had a chance to change his ways yet. Many people had rough childhoods and turned out to be amazing people.

      On the issue of Preston. I love the idea you have come up with for the dog genius idea. My biggest issue with the idea is the unknown nature of living in a dog's body. Will his intelligence transfer into the much smaller dog brain? Maybe, but is that a chance we should take if his credentials ring true?

      That is why I think Mary or Mikey may still be the best choices for Body D. Them being removed from human society would not hurt as many people as Troy or Preston. Troy has his daughter that relies on him greatly while Mary has her husband to take care of the kids. Preston has the chance of greatly improving current technology world-wide, I don’t know if we should risk losing his intellect.

      Regardless, your discussion will help inform the last few votes that will occur in the next few hours. Voting will close at midnight tonight, info on the result will be released tomorrow morning.
