16 January, 2020

Body Jury 0001 - Results!


  1. Nice, these results only swap my choices for body A and C but still pretty good, maybe Troy getting C was more messed up which was kinda also the point

    1. Yeah I'm curious if personal vengeance played a big role in what bodies were selected for the affected individuals.

    2. I guess since it's kinda hard to come by writers who make these kind of tragic stories, there's something so entertaining on seen caps with the people in predicaments and serious tragedy/dark themes
      KawaiiSwitcher did some of it but has become inactive, and to be honest the tg tf community is kinda dropping in quality in general, sometimes I find some true gems but it's quite hard to.
      But yeah, you making these kinds of caps differentiates you and that's good, I just wish you'd be more active but I guess I can't really ask for it, you're doing this for free, so anyway, good luck

  2. Quite an interesting project this was, I don't think I've ever seen something similar, now I hope it won't take so long to see the actual results in caps, sorry if I'm a bit rude but man is the wait so painful, same with Akiko you guys really upload very slow (well at least you don't take literally weeks like him)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do this as just a hobby and I like to focus more on the unique mechanics of each swap; that is probably why I (and Akiko) post so infrequently compared to some people.

  3. An interesting, yet fun experiment you had here, couldn't participate much in the chat for it but me personally the hardest decision was which body to put Mickey in. The odds were really against him, but at his young age I just didn't want to cut his life short by turning him into a dog. Still, Morgan shouldn't suffer the safe fate... a conundrum it was. Mickey was spare on the end, but I still second think if it was the right decision.

    1. Yeah there were not right answers, just less worse ones.

  4. I'm the one who left the long anonymous comment that began with "For a human, Body D is by far the worst out of the available ones" (also EquinoxShade on Reddit and Discord). As it happened, none of the people got the specific bodies I voted/argued for - but interestingly, the results agreed with my initial assessment on which pair of people should get the "negative" bodies, and which pair should get the "positive" bodies. Considering how things *could* have gone, I'm just happy that Troy can continue to support his daughter (although he'll likely forever be mistaken for her sister or friend), and that Preston is in a body that he can continue to do research with, in the event that his bark doesn't oversell his intellectual bite (so to speak). I just wonder if he's smart *enough* to establish a reputation among his colleagues as more than just a pretty face and a juicy ass.

    1. Yeah I'm happy for Troy. He seemed the most deserving of a good end. Thanks for your participation in the captions. It really makes sharing stories so much more entertaining!

    2. You're very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to write this stuff!
