04 July, 2023

Sucks to Be You [BODY HORROR]



  1. I love this! Make more!

    1. haha I might have something in store! But it will probably be a while...

  2. WoW! Definitely worth the wait!

  3. Thanks! TransViscera helped me make some template images with MidJourney and then I tweaked/added to them with StableDiffusion myself.

  4. Really love the power reversal aspect of an animal taking control of a human, please do more like this!

  5. Wow, talk about a spell gone wrong!

  6. wow! WICKEDLY FUNNY & yet chilling horror! poor woman, lucky bug! I like the new woman thinking annoyung bug as the former humannbuzzed overhead, Super original Thanks foro a great read

  7. I really enjoy your stories! I originally found your captions on Deviant art before finding your blogspot after and reading the stories on here too.

    I had an idea for a story alike this one. I have noticed you have done very little with the idea of Deities being swapped so my idea was a Goddess who created and controls a universe of her own, somehow swapping places with a insect or some other creature from her universe, the insect that was just a mere creation in her universe is now the one to rule all, while the former Goddess is now reduced to the position the insect found itself in prior to the swap.

    I hope you like this idea, It is much more out there of an idea than a regular swap caption one will find elsewhere online, but as you have done topics like Tulpas and AI swaps I hope this piques your interest.

    1. I like this idea a lot! I actually have a similar idea on the backburner, but not promises on if/when it will ever come out! haha <3

    2. Nice! I'm glad you liked the idea, looking forward to whatever comes next!
